Directed and written by Screen International’s Horror Rising Star nominee Tom Paton (Pandorica) and produced by Brussels-based Stern Pictures, the film charts the story of two backpackers in a secluded national park who disturb a nest of hungry vampires.
Cast includes Mike Beckingham (Birdwatcher), Tajana Nardone (Medici: Masters Of Florence) and Buffy The Vampire Slayer actor Nicholas Brendon.
The film, whose trailer has racked up more than 300,000 online views, will premiere to buyers at the American Film Market (AFM).
Paton said: “Redwood has received such a huge wave of attention from the genre scene, that it really needed the right partner to bring it to market. I couldn’t think of a better home than Carnaby and I’m excited to work with Andy and the team.”
Andrew Loveday, CEO, Carnaby International added: “We are enormously proud to be working alongside such a talented team on this picture. Following its world premiere at FrightFest, there’s been a real buzz about this feature and we’re excited to bring it to market.”